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Unexpected: Gustavo Petro, the Colombian president, is officially the owner of Bitcoin

In what could be the beginning of yet another Bitcoin adoption saga in the South American region, President of Colombia Gustavo Petro officially became a BTC holder. While several other countries in the region look at cryptocurrencies in a positive light, El Salvador, a Latin American country, adopted Bitcoin as legal tender in September 2021.

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Colombian President Owns BTC

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Samson Mow, chief executive officer, had gifted the Colombian president 100,000 sats worth of BTC. Following this, president Petro shared a message stating that the technology behind cryptocurrencies can be promising for the people of Colombia. Samson Mow said,

“The President of Colombia is now a Bitcoin HODLer for sure. 100,000 sats to be exact.”

On the occasion of owning BTC, President Petro said he would initiate opening of working groups in public administration and in the grassroots communities wherever the technology is useful for the economy. He explained that cryptocurrencies and blockchain have undoubtedly made their way in the world and will have developments towards the future. These technologies can be promising for the prosperity of the people.

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Soon after Argentina elected its right wing leader Javier Milei as its new president on November 19, 2023, Max Keiser, the Bitcoin advisor to El Salvador President Nayib Bukele sought clearance for the Argentinian Bitcoin team for a visit to El Salvador. Following this, CoinGape reported that President Bukele has cleared the visit of team Bitcoin El Salvador to Argentina on a “Bitcoin diplomatic mission” of peace and economic freedom.

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Anvesh reports major crypto updates around U.S. regulation and market moving trends. Published over 1,200 articles so far on crypto and blockchain. A proud dropout of University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Can be reached at [email protected] or twitter.com/BitcoinReddy or linkedin.com/in/anveshreddybtc/

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.


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Author: Martha Castillo

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Name: Martha Castillo

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Introduction: My name is Martha Castillo, I am a transparent, unreserved, dear, intrepid, cherished, spirited, resolved person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.