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Forget This Dip, House Prices Will Ten Times Increase During Our Lifetime

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Today I’m going to show you why the average house will cost over $10 million in our lifetime, and why almost no one you know except top bankers, hedge fund managers, and billionaires will be able to afford a home unless they enslave themselves to a lifetime of seven or eight-figure debt.

But first, some quick context:

  • Housing prices have been rising for generations and will continue to do so for reasons I’ll outline below.
  • Inflation-adjusted income has flatlined and will never recover.
  • The middle class has been going statistically downhill since 1971, but it’s picking up steam as we head back to assetless feudalism for the masses.

Now, several new factors are about to make affordability significantly worse.

Here are ten reasons why shelter costs will soar to their highest levels in history, along with my estimates on where prices could easily end up:

1. Inflation

Fifty years ago, the average house cost $17,000.

Last year, the median was $246,334.

If we experience that same level of price increase for the next fifty years, the average house will cost $3,569,379.

The problem is that we won’t.

Inflation will be far worse.

That’s because inflation is the new way to silently tax the poor while enriching the rich and devaluing government debt. Politicians secretly love inflation. And, despite their best efforts to lie to you, real inflation is over 10% per year. Historically, real estate tracks with inflation, but these days, shelter prices are far outpacing inflation.

Predicted average house price in 50 years: $4+ million

2. Population Growth

Our global family recently topped 8 billion.

It’s headed to 10.5+ billion within fifty years.

That’s a 31+% increase in the number of people who need to be housed.


Article information

Author: Alyssa Thompson

Last Updated: 1698235562

Views: 1394

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Author information

Name: Alyssa Thompson

Birthday: 2004-05-05

Address: 274 Camacho Rapids Suite 279, Harringtonville, VA 00801

Phone: +4093003070853502

Job: Computer Programmer

Hobby: Lock Picking, DIY Electronics, Hiking, Painting, Baking, Singing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Alyssa Thompson, I am a unswerving, vibrant, ingenious, dedicated, unyielding, forthright, audacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.